Texas Power Outages Remind Businesses to Prepare

Recently we watched a polar vortex hit our neighbors to the south, particularly Texas, which brought unprecedented amounts of ice and snow into the region.

The bitter cold spawned widespread power outages and water shortages that impacted millions of households and crippled thousands of businesses. Unfortunately, extreme weather is a fact of life in our area too.

Keeping your people and your clients connected has never been more important – or more complex. You may have people working at home or on the road. Your business might have multiple locations.

DataLink makes it easy to set up IT arrangements that will keep your staff connected to your customers – even if your place of business is inaccessible during or after a disaster.

DataLink experts can provide storm protection when you need it so your business can continue keeping customers happy. While competitors scramble to find alternatives until the weather clears, it will be “business as usual” for you.

Contact us today at 410.729.0440 or sales@DataLinkTech.com.