DoD Contractors Must Comply with NIST 800-171

In its recent June Memo, the DoD took to reminding the Defense Industrial Base that any contractor with a DFARS 7012 clause in its contract must implement NIST 800-171 and have an SPRS score on record.

The memo also notes that failure to comply with these controls or show progress on a plan to implement them, can lead to a contracting officer withholding payments, limiting contract options or terminating the contract altogether.

Jill Lawson has spent over 30 years as an acquisition Program manager for the DoD and is in a perfect position to explain what the DoD’s memo means for your defense contracting business. In this interview Lawson explains the DoD’s June Memo and what you need to do to ensure compliance with NIST 800-171.

Watch this video to learn what the June Memo means for you and your contracting organization.

In this interview, Lawson explains:

  1. What the June memo actually says and means for defense contractors
  2. Why the DoD cares about your SPRS score
  3. Why you need to be ready to implement Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) in 2023

DataLink’s security team is ready to assist your organization with a compliance assessment and implementation plan for achieving these DoD requirements.

Contact us today.
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